
I wonder what it feels like to write a song so powerful that it becomes the anthem of a generation--a song so sad that it makes your heart ache, yet so relatable that you'll listen to it over and over.  What's it feel like to have your one song set list covered by bands far and wide?  How does it feel to have that song escape time?  Few people probably know that answer, but Thom Yorke is one of them.  The lead singer of Radiohead has written many great songs, but even if you don't know who he is, you have heard the song "Creep".

Today I learned that a version of this famous song was used in a theatrical trailer for the upcoming movie "The Social Network".  Creep never made it to the top of any charts (although it came very close), but fans requested it at every Radiohead concert, so much so that the band came to lament playing it.  Maybe that's the worst part of success--trying to escape your own shadow.  The trailer features a young choir's censored cover of "Creep", and the confluence of that song with the social impact of Facebook is a perfect pairing.  Undoubtedly, scholars in the future will point to Facebook as a defining moment of profound change in society.  Check out the trailer, and tell me this isn't perfect marketing: The Social Network.

After the trailer, I learned what a great movie the new Karate Kid is.  I won't ruin it for you; I'll just say you should go see it.  It was awesome!