
You never really think about people calling you, until you leave your phone at home for an extended period. I felt naked all day without my phone in my pocket. It's amazing how attached we become to our cell phones. It can feel like complete disconnection from everyone without it, but I didn't really realize how disconnected I was, until I came home and no one had attempted to get in touch with me. While I was dating my ex-girlfriend, I didn't think I was letting the other relationships in my life fall by the wayside. I tried to spend time with everyone, but maybe I did neglect some of them. Maybe I'm reaping some of that neglect in the aftermath of a failed relationship. When investing money, you'll often hear that it's wise not to put all your eggs in one basket. Perhaps when investing your time in people, it's also wise not to spend too much time on one relationship.

I also found that Surin will always lift my mood. Super crunch makes me truly happy ;)