
My business is taking off much faster than I had anticipated.  Things are moving so quickly, that I'm beginning to think I'll need even more people working with me.  This is a great problem.  Even my website analytics are proof that I'm growing, as you can see in this diagram.

I learned that women are allowed to get angrier when someone has a double standard...lol! (Thank you last Thursday's 30 Rock for that gem)

I also learned that fingerprint door locks are awesome!  I installed one at the house today.  It rocks.  I spent at least a half hour going outside, using it, coming inside, then repeating.  And it's raining today...lol!  They are also expensive: $200!  But this one can be programed for up to somewhere around 100 users.  Best of all, it self-locks so my roommate doesn't have to worry about me being an airhead and leaving the door unlocked anymore ;)